Ann's Fountain: Poem written at Laity Lodge, 2011

Artist’s Retreat, 2011. Ian Cron asked us to go experience water and come back in about twenty minutes. This happened. It’s taken me six years to share it.


Go to water, he says. Listen to the water. Look at the water. I go to the fountain by the path on the way to the studios. It is the first place that comes to mind. I realize that somehow I have always thought of it as “mine.” I approach closer than I have before and notice the engraved stone:

Ann’s Fountain Fiftieth Anniversary March 2000

My own marriage recently saw its fortieth but will not see fifty. This is the year it ends.

Thank you, Ann, for sharing these stones, this water. Long after we and our marriages are history, these stones, this water will remain. Even if this fountain of ours should be dismantled, the stones and the water will go on.

Cherry Winkle Moore Laity Lodge Artist’s Retreat, October, 2011

Cherry Winkle Moore
Cherry Winkle Moore

Cherry Winkle Moore is a visual artist and a retired hospice chaplain. Cherry has a Master of Fine Arts degree in painting, drawing and printmaking from the University of Alabama. Later she completed a Master of Divinity degree with an emphasis in pastoral care. Cherry sometimes says that in her case the MFA stands for Minister of Fine Arts and the MDiv stands for Making Divine Images Visible.

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